In Maryland, the Carroll County School Board recently banned the pride flag on school grounds. This is flat out wrong.  The pride flag is one of the world’s most important symbols of love and inclusion. Such a ban sends a dangerous message of intolerance to children and families and creates an unsafe environment in our schools.

Once elected, and even now, my fight is to ensure that no government within Maryland can act to ban the dignity, pride, and history of any LGBTQIA person.

We have so much work to do to ensure every Marylander feels safe and accepted.  As your delegate, I am already in that fight. For Pride month, I honor my LGBTQIA+ brother, family members, and dear friends.

We are rocking and rolling in our campaign talking with voters everyday and getting our mailers out! Check out our most recent mailer below!

Even with the intense campaigning, we took time out this past Sunday, June 12, to celebrate Loving Day!  On June 12, 1967, the US Supreme Court struck down all laws banning interracial marriage.  

The Loving decision also paved the way for the US Supreme Court decisions in June 2015 striking down laws banning same-sex marriage!